20 Wrestlers Who Stole A Living From WWE

02:09 zeerab company 0 Comments

20 Wrestlers Who Stole A Living From WWE

11. Vladimir Kozlov


In spite of being one of the most pleasant individuals outside of the ring, Vladimir Kozlov was a disappointment of a wrestler. Indeed, he had quality, a scary look about him, and some great warmth from the 'malicious outsider' trick; yet those things didn't conceal his blemishes. Kozlov was moderate and unremarkable in the ring, and for the most part appeared to be an exhausting and uncharismatic wrestler. Indeed, a few individuals even considered the Great Khali to have more moxy than Kozlov. 

Yet amazingly, Kozlov held clean wins over any semblance of Jeff Hardy and the Undertaker, and even wrestled for the WWE Championship in 2008. WWE plainly needed to push this gentleman as a real star, yet regardless of who his adversary was, Kozlov essentially couldn't get the group to respond to him. 
When he initially began wrestling frequently, he entered to no music, and still, after all that he scarcely got a response. Indeed, even in the wake of overcoming numerous Superstars and building up the professional Russian 'Moscow Mauler' trick, individuals didn't appear to think about him. He was essentially the inverse of Rusev: he got no response notwithstanding having just about literally the same trick.