20 Wrestlers Who Stole A Living From WWE

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20 Wrestlers Who Stole A Living From WWE

10. Zeus


This character was presented for the sole reason for advancing Hulk Hogan's film, No Holds Barred. Clearly, somebody felt that it would be an extraordinary thought to have a performer, who happened to be strong, wrestle against somebody with numerous years of experience like Hulk Hogan. Say what you need in regards to Hogan's wrestling capacity; in any event he knew that it was so dumb to attempt and have an on-screen character come in and imagine like he's an able wrestler. 

Zeus' competition with Hulk Hogan was in light of the thought that Hogan got top charging and he didn't. It was a moronic endeavor to legitimize Zeus' appearance in a master wrestling ring, yet it didn't prevent WWE from attempting to make Zeus into a major ordeal. They issued him his contrivance from the film, as a relentless beast who no-sold his adversaries' most pulverizing moves. As helpful a recipe this is for getting Superstars over (it worked for the Undertaker, all things considered), Zeus basically couldn't wrestle appropriately