20 Wrestlers Who Stole A Living From WWE

02:07 zeerab company 0 Comments

20 Wrestlers Who Stole A Living From WWE

13. CM Punk


CM Punk isn't on this rundown on the grounds that he's an awful wrestler; he's on this rundown on the grounds that WWE invested so much energy and cash developing him, and he wound up leaving the organization on terrible terms, as well as has been knocking the organization at each open door. 
CM Punk left WWE for a bunch of reasons, some more legitimate than others. On the other hand, being a man with a substantial conscience, Punk believed that he was such an enormous star, to the point that he considered his vocation a disappointment in light of the fact that he didn't headliner WrestleMania. This was notwithstanding the way that he was apparently the most famous wrestler on the list, and had accomplished more than a considerable lot of his previous collaborators could've longed for. 

WWE issued him a huge amount of cash and favors, yet for that just wasn't sufficient. He couldn't see past his own cravings and the possibility of a WrestleMania match with Triple H (which would've sold like insane, given how severely numerous individuals needed to see Punk kick Hunter's a**), made him take off. Much the same as that, the greater part of his diligent work, and the majority of the time and cash WWE put resources into him went down the channel. 
Notwithstanding, what makes Punk's section more critical is that even after he has turned his regard for MMA, regardless he keeps on trying WWE. As of late, he called WWE "fake" and made more discriminating remarks towards his previous superintendent. While for all intents and purposes everybody realizes that WWE is scripted excitement's, regardless he harming WWE's open picture, which just damages the wrestlers not far off.