9 Scary Reasons WWE History Says We’ll Hate Roman Reigns By Next Year

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3. Too Quick Of A Push (Shame On You, Sheamus)

When Sheamus was pushed quickly into the main event, no one cared that he didn’t have 5 moves of doom, a gimmick, a catchphrase, a shirt, or really anything redeemable at all. All they cared about was the fact he was not John Cena and was on TV prominently.
Turns out that when the WWE pushes someone with nothing interesting about them, however, people tend to get bored pretty quick, and they will turn on him just to have something to do. Today, Sheamus being someone no one wanted to see anymore has helped propel other people’s careers, like the time the WWE thought it’d be a brilliant idea to put Sheamus over Daniel Bryan in the shortest Wrestlemania match ever. Who would have thought that a guy who was already being booed as a babyface would be booed even louder when he sucker punches (kicks?) someone smaller than him while his back is turned? Weird!
So what happens when Roman Reigns hits one of his two moves onto someone more liked than him? What happens if Roman Reigns, today’s “not Cena,” were to spear Daniel Bryan? Would people still cheer, or turn on him like they did the equally boring Sheamus, who has yet to regain his popularity after that night?