9 Scary Reasons WWE History Says We’ll Hate Roman Reigns By Next Year

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2. Maybe Now Isn’t The Right Time (He’s Got The Swagger)

Jack Swagger sounded awful on the microphone, his moves were boring, and his gimmick was lame. The WWE knew this, but gave him the World Title anyway. By the time WWE had enough faith in Swagger to carry an entire show by himself, the fans had long since moved on, and it became embarrassingly apparent that fan reactions were being added to the show in post-production to create the illusion people still cared. His gimmick had failed to get him popular, his moves failed to get a reaction from the audience, and it was clear from day one that he still needed a little more on the microphone. Who could have predicted that, though? No one! Except for every fan in the audience.
Roman Reigns seems to be having a hard time making it through an entire promo without making duck lips, like a teenage girl trying desperately to get approval for her selfies. His moves will only get him so far, all two of them. How long until he says something stupid, makes a duck lips, and the WWE is forced to pipe in a crowd reaction for the rest of his matches? It only takes one wrong move, maybe the WWE should just wait?