9 Scary Reasons WWE History Says We’ll Hate Roman Reigns By Next Year

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1.Goldberg (Spearing Sucks)

Spearing sucks. This is a list of people who have used the spear as a finisher: Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon, Edge, Christian, Bo Dallas, any wrestler transitioning between real finishers, and Divas. Not exactly people known for their size. Rhyno is an exception, but he had to do the move through a table over and over again before fans took it seriously. The spear is a very basic, very easy move to pull off that gets the fans pumped up because it’s so impactful. It’s almost impossible to do the spear and not get a cheap pop.
The problem with the spear is that people pop for it because it typically comes out of nowhere quickly, destroying the opponent, and changing the pace of the match. If the spear is done too often, people stop reacting. It loses its special something when it’s expected to happen. It’s not a finisher, just ask Edge, who couldn’t get the fans to chant “Spear! Spear!” despite practically begging them for weeks.
Roman Reigns needs to keep the Superman Punch as a rebound attack, the spear as a secondary finisher, but find a new finisher to get over and quick, or fans will quickly become jaded to the spear and it will be delegated back to the Divas before they know it.

*Note: Big Show does not spear people. He does what he considers to be running and then just topples on top of them.