10 great“Foreign” Wrestlers Who Were Actually Born In America

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10 “Foreign” Wrestlers Who Were Actually Born In America

Nikita Koloff

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It's been said commonly, yet wrestling is about discernment – the stories we see on the screen frequently appear to be outlandish, yet its the conceivable points of interest that make them work. We realize that The Undertaker isn't a zombie, case in point, yet there's a sure obscurity about him – and an uncanny physicality – that makes him would appear to be more than a simple man. Moreover, especially warmed matches or storylines may appear to have a component of genuine hatred that tricks even the most bad-to-the-bone of fans – case in point, when said "Deadman" about got into a fight with Brock Lesnar at