12 MMA Fighters Who Could Save WWE
8. Genki ‘Neo-Samurai’ Sudo
Japanese popular society sensation Genki Sudo may have left focused battling in December 2006, yet his 16-4 record is nothing to sniff at. Since his retirement, Sudo has sought after imaginative and musical roads of expression, driving a techno troupe World Order, who have some expertise in synchronized automated developments.
This present one's out of left field… however hang on a minute. Sudo's a genuine dissident, celebrated for his showy ring passageways amid his battle vocation (counting costumed dance specialists, involved props and choreography), and additionally his unconventional, inventive battling style. At 5 foot 9 inches tall and 37 years of age, he may not be everybody's concept of the WWE formative tenderfoot… however his preference for the recondite and showy can't neglect to rouse. Presently, WWE as of now have the ultra-capable KENTA, now known as Hideo Itami, close by in NXT: the man to whom IWC dears Daniel Bryan and CM Punk owe a critical bit of their style and moveset, and one of the best proficient wrestlers on the plat.