11 Reasons Seth Rollins Will Lose The WWE Title At Payback
11 Reasons Seth Rollins Will Lose The WWE Title At Payback
6. Orton’s Renaissance

Randy Orton is demonstrating truly prominent at this moment and is doing some of his best work in his years. His matches have been awesome and his promos impactful. It is no astonish that the group are getting behind him in a huge manner.
That could be something that WWE seize on. They like Orton and wouldn't be antagonistic to returning the belt on him in the wake of listening to some positive group commotion. Recall that, he's just 35 years of age, in the extremely prime of his profession.
That could be the way they are going, move Rollins on to Kane and leave Orton as the Champion. Have him go over Ambrose and afterward perhaps even turn the Orton/ Reigns story out through the late spring. Their match a year ago at SummerSlam was great.