11 Reasons Seth Rollins Will Lose The WWE Title At Payback

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11 Reasons Seth Rollins Will Lose The WWE

Title At Payback

2. The Four Way Scenario


The four way itself is a reason that Rollins could be losing the title. As the commentary team always state, you only have a 25% chance of winning. That’s usually just a nonsense line, but at Payback, it could hold merit.
Just like when Brock Lesnar lost the title in a three way at WrestleMania 31, the extra numbers allow for the title to be transitioned without hurting the titleholder. The four way could write Rollins out early, perhaps after Kane gets involved and starts a separate brawl. The other three men would then contest the action, with a new champion eventually being crowned.

Rollins would then go on to feuds with Kane and Lesnar, before returning to the title picture in the autumn months. If it seems like a demotion, it isn’t. He’ll be getting to work with Brock Lesnar and then he’ll be returning to the title scene with fresh momentum in the latter half of the year.