10 WWE dangerous Divas You Totally Forgot Ever Existed

18:19 zeerab company 0 Comments

10 WWE Divas You Totally Forgot Ever Existed

3. B.B.


One could contend that in late 1999/early 2000 WWE hit its top as far as abuse of ladies – it was amid that time that Stacy "The Kat" Carter broadly stripped on Pay-Per-View and a two-piece challenge at the Royal Rumble transformed into a reason to show then-septuagenarian Mae Young wearing a couple of prosthetic bosoms. Amid this time period, we were acquainted with the WWE's freshest Diva, B.b. Despite the fact that at first she seemed, by all accounts, to be a paramedic, her endeavors to help The Kat amid a sauce vessel match headed Ivory to remove her shirt and toss her in said sauc.
