10 WWE dangerous Divas You Totally Forgot Ever Existed

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10 WWE Divas You Totally Forgot Ever Existed 

 7. Joy Giovanni


Joy Giovanni


Despite failing to win the 2004 Diva Search, Joy Giovanni was offered a role on Smackdown… as a massage therapist. Well, you’ve gotta start somewhere. When Luther Reigns made a pass at her, though, The Big Show stepped up to defend her honor – and what followed was a budding romance to melt even the stoniest of hearts.
Well, not really. She more served as The Big Show’s Achilles heel, the reason for him to come down, make a stand, and have his vulnerability exploited. A convenient plot device, really. Giovanni would go on to have a feud of her own with Amy Weber (more on her later), but when Weber left the company, Giovanni was high and dry. She showed potential for a comeback, winning a four-way contest (over, among others, Michelle McCool) to be named Rookie Diva of the Year, but by the middle of 2005, she was released.
