10 WWE dangerous Divas You Totally Forgot Ever Existed

17:09 zeerab company 0 Comments

10 WWE Divas You Totally Forgot Ever Existed

10. Ariel



      At the point when the new ECW began on the Syfy Network in 2006, there was an acceptable impact pushed over the item by the channel – the bad-to-the-bone nature of Extreme Championship Wrestling was available, at any rate at first, however side by side with it were gooey repulsiveness themed components. On the first scene, for example, The Sandman fiercely beat a snorting, moaning, one-and-done contender by the name of The Zombie. The most glaring indication of the system's string-pulling, however, came as the vampiric Kevin Thorne and his escort, Ariel.

Whether the two were animals of the night or just devotees was never uncovered, generally as an arranged steady with Gangrel never worked out as expected. Rather than character understanding, the two gallivanted around the place that is known for great, fighting with any semblance of Balls Mahoney and Mike Kn
