10 love Scandals That really Rocked WWE

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10 love Scandals That really Rocked WWE

5. Sable Harassed


The sex charged climate of the WWF in the late 90's was an issue holding up to happen.

A 1999 $100 million claim from Rena "Sable" Mero laid the embarrassments of the time to the world. Court reports uncovered the accompanying

"Men would routinely stroll into the ladies' changing area as though unintentionally; men would slice gaps in the dividers to watch the ladies dressing; additional items were contracted as WWF regulars to uncover their breasts; enormous areola challenges were occupied with; men consistently gloated about their sexual experiences without respect to the ladies present; WWF delivered lists and tee-shirts delineating Mrs. Mero In a debasing manner offering sexual favors; Mrs. Mero was asked for to show warmth to ladies to push a "lesbian edge"; Mrs. Mero was asked to have her outfit ripped off over and over (despite guarantees actually), and Plaintiff was asked to uncover her bosoms by "slip-up" on national TV amid a wrestling challenge."
