10 Hot Debates Of WWE Which You Wants To Forget About Lita

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 9. She Started With Essa Rios, Not The Hardy Boys


A lot of fans probably think that Lita started her WWE career with Jeff and Matt Hardy, but that’s not true. After her brief run in ECW and then training in WWE, she was paired up with a wrestler named Essa Rios. He actually started in WWE as Aguila, but they gave him a new gimmick and paired her with him. He was a high flier, so she fit with him because she was very athletic too.

. The alliance with Essa Rios didn’t last too long. It started in February 2000 when Lita debuted and it was done by May 2000 when Rios was flirting with some of The Godfather’s ho’s, so that was the end of that.