9 Scary Reasons WWE History Says We’ll Hate Roman Reigns By Next Year

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6. He Has No Character (Dropping the B Word- “Bella”)


The WWE has been known to create “cheap pops” for wrestlers who are incapable of getting a reaction otherwise. For reference, look no further than WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley who would often times start his talking segments out by saying “it’s good to be back right here in…” and then he’d say the city’s name, and the crowd would cheer, because they’re cheering for their city, not Mick Foley. Of course, Foley did this ironically. He never needed to do this to get a reaction, he’d even give a thumbs-up and cheesy smile. It was all done in jest.
But that hasn’t stopped less charismatic people from doing it. Because this is the PG era, anyone who uses profanity is going to get a cheer. In order to really establish Brie Bella as a fan favorite, she had to drop the b-word to Stephanie McMahon, because without that added artificial pop, she probably wasn’t going to get one based solely on her own personality (lack thereof), but charisma doesn’t roll over to the next week, and people aren’t going to keep cheering for her every night after that.
Unfortunately, the WWE pulled that card recently with Roman Reigns, who called Kane the Authorities bitch in order to get a cheap pop. That’s… that’s not a good sign.