9 Scary Reasons WWE History Says We’ll Hate Roman Reigns By Next Year
8. We’ve Seen This All Before (We’ve Cena-Nough)

The response is the majority of the above. When a wrestler turns into the top babyface of the WWE, they get literally the same contrivance as the gentleman before him, if "wins a great deal" is really viewed as a trick.
Consider this: John Cena was before the most over wrestler in the WWE as a rapper. 10 years after the fact, his trick now is that he's an underdog; a contrivance that concurs altogether with his "wins a considerable measure" trick. Actually, his trick is that he wins a ton furthermore that he may not win however completely will win, at the same time. No doubt, the diehard, long-lasting enthusiasts of the WWE have no clue how to respond to that.
Tragically, despite the fact that Roman Reigns isn't undefeated, however in the event that he is to be the following top babyface, the WWE is heading this bearing with him and the results will be literally the same. Inevitably individuals will become weary of Roman Reigns winning a great deal, and will turn on him the same way they turned on John Cena for never losing. Once more, it didn't take the fans a prior year booing John Cena.